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Killer Ads for Plumbers

How to Make Killer Ads for Plumbers

August 30, 20244 min read

Hey there, Tyler Williams from Mammoth Marketing here, and today I want to dive into a topic that's close to my heart: creating compelling ads for plumbing businesses. Whether you're a seasoned plumber or just starting out, how you present your business online can make all the difference in attracting new customers.


The Problem with Standard Review Posts

Let’s talk about something I see all too often—Facebook review posts that simply don’t cut it. Sure, sharing customer reviews is a great idea. It builds trust and shows off your happy clients. But here’s the thing: just slapping a review onto a random background with your logo isn’t enough. It’s easy, yes, but easy doesn’t necessarily get results.

Too often, I see posts where the review is barely visible, the background image is irrelevant, and the overall design feels like an afterthought. If you’re happy being just another face in the crowd, by all means, keep doing what you’re doing. But if you’re ready to elevate your business, it’s time to make those posts more compelling.

How to Make Your Ads Stand Out

So, how do we take a bland review post and turn it into something that grabs attention? First off, let’s talk about color and design. These are your best friends when it comes to catching someone’s eye as they scroll through their feed. The key is to use colors that work for you, not against you. I’ve seen too many posts where the color scheme makes the text hard to read or the images blend into the background.

But color isn’t everything. You need to think about composition too. For instance, people connect with people. This is why avatars or images of your technicians are so powerful—they humanize your brand. A post that features a happy customer alongside one of your team members is going to be way more effective than just text on a bland background.

The Power of Iteration

Here’s a little insider tip: your first draft should never be your final draft. I tell my team this all the time. Once you’ve created a post, take a step back, review it, and ask yourself, “What could be better?” Maybe the colors need adjusting, or perhaps the layout could be more engaging. Whatever it is, don’t settle for “good enough.” Push for better.

And remember, ads are about layers. A successful ad campaign isn’t built in a day—it’s the result of continuous improvement and tweaking. You might start with a simple concept, but as you iterate, you’ll find ways to make it more compelling, more fun, and ultimately, more effective.

Why Creativity Matters

In today’s market, standing out isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s essential. The work I just walked you through isn’t something that everyone in your market is doing. And that’s precisely the point. Creativity is your ticket to setting your business apart. It’s about establishing a tone for your brand that stops people in their tracks as they scroll through social media.

Think of it this way: your biggest enemy online is the scroll. Your goal should be to create something so interesting that it makes someone pause. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be engaging enough to stop that thumb from swiping past your post.

Why Display Ads Work for Plumbers

Let’s talk numbers for a second. If you’re pouring money into Google ads, you’re likely spending around $60 per click in many markets. Now, imagine taking that same $60 and investing it in display ads on social media. For that price, you can reach thousands of people, not just one. That’s the power of mass communication.

When you layer your ads across multiple platforms and build saturation, you’re not just gaining visibility—you’re building familiarity and credibility. This approach attracts customers to you, rather than you having to chase them.


At the end of the day, the more you control the narrative of your company, the more attractive you become to potential customers. And when you’re attractive, the leads come to you. So, stop fighting for attention and start being the brand that people choose first.

Thanks for tuning in, and remember—creativity isn’t just for artists. It’s for anyone who wants to make an impact, including you. If you want to learn more about what we do at Mammoth Marketing, or if you’re ready to elevate your plumbing business, head over to TylerWilliams.net. Now, let’s all get back to work!

Tyler Williams has been in the marketing world for over 20 years. In 2019 he made the decision to shed the varied work of being a generalist marketer and focused his efforts in on Plumbers using his marketing agency, Mammoth Marketing. Today, they serve Clients across North America, turning any Plumber into The Chosen Plumber

Tyler Williams

Tyler Williams has been in the marketing world for over 20 years. In 2019 he made the decision to shed the varied work of being a generalist marketer and focused his efforts in on Plumbers using his marketing agency, Mammoth Marketing. Today, they serve Clients across North America, turning any Plumber into The Chosen Plumber

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