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Crafting Killer Marketing Offers for Plumbers

September 09, 20246 min read

Hi, I’m Tyler Williams, the owner of Mammoth Marketing, where we specialize in helping plumbers grow their businesses. Today, I want to talk about a critical piece of your marketing puzzle: creating a killer offer campaign. If you’ve ever wondered why some ads work like magic while others fall flat, I’m here to give you the play-by-play on crafting marketing offers that actually bring in new customers. Trust me, it’s not as complicated as wrestling with a leaky pipe.

Let’s dive in, and don’t worry, there’s no mess to clean up after!

Why Marketing Offers Are Essential for Plumbers

As a plumber, you’ve got the skills to fix the toughest plumbing problems, but how do you get people to pick up the phone and call you? That's where a solid marketing offer comes into play. A well-crafted offer makes potential customers pause, take notice, and act. You don’t want to rely on just being listed on Google searches, competing with a dozen other plumbers. By presenting the right offer at the right time, you build relationships with future customers long before they need your services.

Here at Mammoth Marketing, we’ve seen firsthand how a killer offer can boost conversions and build a pipeline of loyal clients. Let’s break down what goes into a winning campaign.

Start with Understanding Your Audience

The first step in creating an irresistible offer is understanding who you’re talking to. For plumbers, your target audience includes both high-intent customers (who need help right now) and the general public who may need your services later. High-intent customers are already looking for solutions, so throwing them a discount might not always be the best move. Instead, focus your offer on the broader market—the folks who aren’t searching for a plumber today but will remember you when they need one next month or next year.

We typically run these offers across platforms like YouTube, Google Display, Meta Networks (like Facebook), and TikTok. Why? Because these platforms allow us to build awareness, foster trust, and position your plumbing business in the customer’s mind long before their pipes start leaking.

The Magic of $100 Off: Our Favorite Offer

One of my favorite go-to offers is the classic "$100 off for first-time customers." Why? It’s straightforward, appealing, and gives potential clients a tangible reason to choose you over the competition. We’ve implemented this offer for a variety of clients, and it’s consistently effective. People love a good deal, especially when it’s tied to something they know they’ll eventually need.

With this kind of offer, we aren’t just trying to attract high-intent customers already searching for a plumber. Instead, we’re planting seeds with those who may not need a plumber right now but will down the road. When their moment of need arises, guess what? They’re going to remember that $100 coupon sitting in their inbox.

Where to Run Your Offers (Spoiler: Not Just Google Search)

Now, you might be thinking, "Why not just run this offer on Google search?" Well, here’s the deal: Google search is filled with high-intent users, and if someone’s already about to book, why give them a discount? They’re already sold. Instead, we focus on places where we can capture attention earlier in the decision-making process.

Running ads on YouTube, Google Display, and social platforms like Facebook and TikTok allows us to reach people who are scrolling through content, not actively looking for a plumber but open to hearing about your service. It’s about creating awareness and keeping your plumbing business top-of-mind when they do need help.

Crafting the Perfect Ad Copy

Once you’ve decided where to run your ads, it’s time to craft a compelling message. Your ad copy should be short, sweet, and catchy—like, “Wait until you get a load of this offer!” or “Ready for a plumbing deal that’ll make your pipes sing?” The point is to grab attention, create curiosity, and get them to click through to your landing page.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to ad copy. Experiment with different headlines and test what works best. At Mammoth Marketing, we like to keep things fun and lighthearted because, let’s face it, no one wants to call a plumber, but we can at least make them smile when they do!

The Importance of a Killer Landing Page

Once someone clicks on your ad, they’ll be taken to your landing page. This is where the magic happens! A landing page is not just another page on your website. Its sole purpose is to convert visitors into leads. That means no distractions—no extra links, no fluff, just a clear, simple path to claiming that offer.

We typically design landing pages that tell people exactly what to do: “Fill out the form below to get your $100 coupon, and we’ll send it straight to your inbox and phone!” Easy, right? The simpler the process, the more likely they are to follow through.

Collecting Customer Information (Without Scaring Them Off)

Here’s a pro tip: don’t just give away your offer for free. Put it behind a simple form where you collect the customer’s name, phone number, and email address. This information is pure gold. It allows you to follow up, nurture the lead, and get back in touch when they’re ready to schedule a service.

We use this strategy because once you have their email and phone number, you can send reminders, special offers, and, my personal favorite, retarget them with more ads. The goal is to keep your business top-of-mind so when their pipes burst, you’re the plumber they remember.

Follow-Up and Retargeting: The Secret Sauce

Here’s where many plumbing businesses miss out: the follow-up. After someone fills out your form, don’t just send the coupon and walk away. Follow up with an email or SMS reminder about 30 days later. Something like, “Hey, just a friendly reminder that you’ve got $100 off your next plumbing service. We can’t wait to help!”

We also retarget people who showed interest but didn’t complete the process. This involves sending more ads to those who visited your landing page but didn’t claim the offer. Whether they fill out the form or not, you’re keeping your business in front of them for 30-90 days, ensuring that when they think “plumber,” they think of you.

Turning Leads into Lifelong Customers

The beauty of running these offer campaigns is that they don’t just generate one-time customers. You’re building a list of people who now know and trust your brand. That means you can continue marketing to them in the future, whether through email campaigns or new offers. When you create that connection, you’re turning a lead into a loyal customer who’s likely to call you again and again.

Creating an effective offer campaign doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does take a bit of thought and strategy. By understanding your audience, crafting a compelling offer, and following up with smart retargeting, you’ll turn potential leads into lifelong customers who trust your plumbing services.

If you'd like my team at Mammoth Marketing to help you craft an offer that gets results, schedule a consultation with us at tylerwilliams.net. Let’s get those phones ringing and the leads pouring in!

Until next time, keep those wrenches turning!

Tyler Williams has been in the marketing world for over 20 years. In 2019 he made the decision to shed the varied work of being a generalist marketer and focused his efforts in on Plumbers using his marketing agency, Mammoth Marketing. Today, they serve Clients across North America, turning any Plumber into The Chosen Plumber

Tyler Williams

Tyler Williams has been in the marketing world for over 20 years. In 2019 he made the decision to shed the varied work of being a generalist marketer and focused his efforts in on Plumbers using his marketing agency, Mammoth Marketing. Today, they serve Clients across North America, turning any Plumber into The Chosen Plumber

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