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avoid marketing pitfalls

Avoiding Pitfalls in Plumbing Marketing Campaigns

August 08, 20243 min read

As a plumber or plumbing company, marketing your services effectively can be a game changer. However, navigating the world of digital advertising, especially with giants like Google and Facebook, can sometimes be tricky. I recently discussed this in an episode of the Mammoth Plumber Podcast, where I delved into the complexities of running ads and how they can sometimes go awry. Here’s a detailed look into what I shared and some insights that can help you avoid common pitfalls in your marketing campaigns.

The Case of Misleading Ads

A colleague from my coaching group reached out with an intriguing problem. They were getting a lot of unusual calls from their ads, and these calls were not converting into business. This wasn’t a campaign we managed, but the situation was compelling enough to explore.

The issue arose from a Google Performance Max campaign. If you’re familiar with Performance Max, you know it’s designed to optimize your ad spend across all Google channels. However, it also has its quirks. The campaign, set to English, was triggering calls in a different language. This baffling situation was traced back to ads running on Facebook, which, when clicked, led users to a series of home improvement searches—plumbing services included.

The Ad Funnel Mystery

The ad funnel started with a simple Facebook ad in Spanish that led users to a page filled with various home improvement services. Clicking on these links further funneled users through multiple layers of related searches, many of which were served by Bing. Eventually, these clicks led to a page with rotating Google ads, populated by AdSense.

Here’s the crux: when a publisher sets up a page with AdSense, they earn money each time someone clicks an ad. Google also profits from these clicks. However, the businesses paying for these ads often get the short end of the stick, receiving low-quality leads or irrelevant traffic.

Why Performance Max Isn’t Always the Best Choice

This situation highlights why I generally advise against using Google Performance Max for most businesses, especially if you’re managing your ads without expert guidance. The platform’s automated nature can sometimes lead to your ads being placed in less-than-ideal contexts, resulting in poor-quality leads.

What Went Wrong?

1. Conversion Tracking Issues: The campaign lacked proper conversion tracking, making it difficult to assess its effectiveness.

2. Audience Mismatch: There were no clearly defined audiences, leading to ads being shown to the wrong people.

3. Lack of Guardrails: Without specific parameters and controls, the campaign was left to run amok.

Practical Advice for Plumbers

If you find yourself in a similar situation, here are some steps to mitigate the risks and improve your ad performance:

1. Stop Ineffective Campaigns: If a campaign is yielding poor results, pause it. Evaluate your call quality and adjust accordingly.

2. Shift Budgets Wisely: Consider reallocating your budget from automated campaigns like Performance Max to more controlled environments, such as search ads.

3. Invest in Quality Conversion Tracking: Ensure you have robust conversion tracking mechanisms to accurately measure your campaign’s success.

4. Define Your Audience: Build detailed audience profiles to ensure your ads reach the right people.

5. Explore Multiple Marketing Channels: While digital marketing is essential, don’t neglect physical and community-based marketing. Building relationships and a strong local presence can often yield better results than relying solely on digital platforms.

Balancing Digital and Traditional Marketing

I’m a strong advocate for a balanced marketing approach. While digital marketing is crucial, it should complement traditional methods. Engaging with your community through events, partnerships, and physical advertisements can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility and reputation.

In the world of digital marketing, platforms like Google and Facebook have their place. However, it’s essential to temper your expectations and understand the limitations and risks involved. By taking a measured approach and diversifying your marketing efforts, you can build a robust strategy that drives quality leads and grows your plumbing business.

I hope you found this discussion insightful. Remember, effective marketing is about more than just running ads—it’s about building lasting relationships and creating a strong, reliable presence both online and offline. Take care and happy marketing!

Tyler Williams has been in the marketing world for over 20 years. In 2019 he made the decision to shed the varied work of being a generalist marketer and focused his efforts in on Plumbers using his marketing agency, Mammoth Marketing. Today, they serve Clients across North America, turning any Plumber into The Chosen Plumber

Tyler Williams

Tyler Williams has been in the marketing world for over 20 years. In 2019 he made the decision to shed the varied work of being a generalist marketer and focused his efforts in on Plumbers using his marketing agency, Mammoth Marketing. Today, they serve Clients across North America, turning any Plumber into The Chosen Plumber

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